Friday, November 4, 2011


heehe due to my 3 days
wheelchair training programme, i'm unable to proceed with my so called change of eating habit. Well the organised provide such a good food that i just can't resist. I guess "A mistake is simply another way of doing things".. so still trying to find another way..

Monday, October 31, 2011

let's get started

just in the office this cnn some news...then comes up a news mentioning that kim k, already filing for a divorce after 72 days wedding ceremony, that's kind of sad considering the amount of money$$ she spend for the beautiful wedding..still life goes on..maybe just wasn't meant to be. however i luv ya kim, u rock!!

i'm kind of in a process of trying to lose some weight which is considering
something quiet impossible for me even for just 1kg cos i just luvvv to eat.. sooo hopefully this month i can do it... :P

Height: 147 cm
Current weight: 48 kg
Target loss: 1 kg

1 nasi lemak + paru
1 hot black tea

1 small cup white rice
1 small piece of chicken
1 small ikan masin
some taugeh masak lemak putih